Low voltage current instrument transformer
CLH 40.3
The product series of the CLH 40 current instrument transformers for low voltages consists of the following three basic versions: CLH40.1 CLH40.2 and CLH40.3.
All the three versions may have taps lead out from the secondary winding and in this way the versatility of the current transformer may be increased. Up to two taps can be laid out from the secondary winding.
The product series of the CLH 40 current instrument transformers for low voltages consists of the following three basic versions: CLH40.1 CLH40.2 and CLH40.3. All the three versions may have taps lead out from the secondary winding and in this way the versatility of the current transformer may be increased. Up to two taps can be laid out from the secondary winding.
The CLH 40.3 current instrument transformer is used for measurement and protection purposes in indoor LV power distribution systems with the highest system voltage of 0.72 kV. Their rated secondary currents are 5A or 1A.
The secondary terminals with contact screws are situated in the upper part of the transformer under a transparent cover which can be sealed. As regards the connection of secondary terminals we recommend using cable lugs of sizes corresponding to the cross-section of the connecting wire, or bare conductors of up to 2.5 mm diameter may also be used.
As an additional service for the customer we may provide the transformers with official calibration certificate. The transformer parameters may also be tailored to the specific requirements of the client, based on previous agreement with the manufacturer.
- Highest voltage for equipment: 0.72 kV
- Power frequency test voltage: 3 kV
- Nominal primary current: 50 - 1000 A
- Nominal secondary current: 5 A or 1 A
- Rated short-time thermal current, Ith: 60 x In
- Rated dynamic current, Idyn: 2,5 x Ith
- Nominal frequency: 50 Hz
- Weight: 1,0-1,3 kg
- Thermal insulation class: E
- Operation conditions: corresponds to the -5/40 thermal class to ČSN EN 61869-1 standard; for mounting in indoor areas without water condensation
- Standard: ČSN EN 61869-1, ČSN EN 61869-2, IEC EN 61869-1, IEC EN 61869-2